Solid Waste Management and Recycling
The GeoJournal Library
- B. Currey and G. Hugo (eds.):Famine as Geographical Phenomenon. 1984
ISBN 90-277-1762-1
- S.H.U. Bowie, F.R.S. and I. Thornton (eds.): Environmental Geochemistry and
Health. Report of the Royal Society’s British National Committee for Problems of
the Environment. 1985 ISBN 90-277-1879-2
- L.A. Kosi ́nski and K.M. Elahi (eds.):Population Redistribution and Development in
South Asia. 1985 ISBN 90-277-1938-1
- Y. Gradus (ed.):Desert Development.Man and Technology in Sparselands. 1985
ISBN 90-277-2043-6
- F.J. Calzonetti and B.D. Solomon (eds.):Geographical Dimensions of Energy. 1985
ISBN 90-277-2061-4
- J. Lundqvist, U. Lohm and M. Falkenmark (eds.):Strategies for River Basin Manage-
ment.Environmental Integration of Land and Water in River Basin. 1985
ISBN 90-277-2111-4
- A. Rogers and F.J. Willekens (eds.):Migration and Settlement.A Multiregional Com-
parative Study. 1986 ISBN 90-277-2119-X
- R. Laulajainen:Spatial Strategies in Retailing. 1987 ISBN 90-277-2595-0
- T.H. Lee, H.R. Linden, D.A. Dreyfus and T. Vasko (eds.):The Methane Age. 1988
ISBN 90-277-2745-7
- H.J. Walker (ed.):Artificial Structures and Shorelines. 1988 ISBN 90-277-2746-5
- A. Kellerman:Time, Space, and Society.Geographical Societal Perspectives. 1989
ISBN 0-7923-0123-4
- P. Fabbri (ed.):Recreational Uses of Coastal Areas. A Research Project of the
Commission on the Coastal Environment, International Geographical Union. 1990
ISBN 0-7923-0279-6
- L.M. Brush, M.G. Wolman and Huang Bing-Wei (eds.):Taming the Yellow River: Silt
and Floods.Proceedings of a Bilateral Seminar on Problems in the Lower Reaches
of the Yellow River, China. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0416-0
- J. Stillwell and H.J. Scholten (eds.):Contemporary Research in Population Geography.
A Comparison of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. 1990
ISBN 0-7923-0431-4
- M.S. Kenzer (ed.):Applied Geography.Issues, Questions, and Concerns. 1989
ISBN 0-7923-0438-1
- D. Nir:Region as a Socio-environmental System.An Introduction to a Systemic
Regional Geography. 1990 ISBN 0-7923-0516-7
- H.J. Scholten and J.C.H. Stillwell (eds.):Geographical Information Systems for Urban
and Regional Planning. 1990 ISBN 0-7923-0793-3
- F.M. Brouwer, A.J. Thomas and M.J. Chadwick (eds.):Land Use Changes in Europe.
Processes of Change, Environmental Transformations and Future Patterns. 1991
ISBN 0-7923-1099-3