2 States The Story Of My Marriage

(Nora) #1

‘I don’t have time for her. Which is true, as I’m all over the district in meetings
the entire day. Of course, she also feels saying no to Harish is like declining the
Nobel Prize. And so, that’s the dinner appetizer. Main course is a lecture on how
I’ve abused my privilege of being allowed to study further. Dessert is usually
tears. I have to go to Pondicherry next week. No way I am taking her.’
‘You have to go?’
‘Just a day trip.’
‘Hey, isn’t Fisherman’s Cove on the way to Pondicherry?’ I asked.
‘Yes, why?’
‘Good, I should take the initiative and check out the venue. I’ll come with you
that day,’ I said. Anything to get out of office.
‘Oh, cool,’ she said.
The peon came again.
‘Yes,’ I turned to the peon after asking Ananya to hold.
‘Sir is asking which client?’ peon said.
I looked around. Outside the office window there were several hoardings. I saw
one for fireworks.
‘Standard Fireworks, Sivakasi. OK?’ I said.
The peon nodded.
‘Bye sweetie, am I disturbing you?’
‘Yeah, but what is life without being disturbed by the right people,’ I said.
‘Thank you. Love you,’ Ananya said.
‘I love you, too’ I said and hung up the phone. The peon stood in front of me,
his eyes big after the last line.
‘Why are you still here?’ I said.
‘Sorry, sir,’ the peon said and left.

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