2 States The Story Of My Marriage

(Nora) #1

Her mother switched to the latest Tamil hit number from Rajni’s movie. The
crowd’s excitement rose further. The song was a slow ballad, and required a lot
of voice modulation. Claps ran through the crowd as Ananya’s mother
maneuvered a tough range of notes.
‘Lovely, beautiful!’ Ananya’s father said in reflex as Ananya’s mother switched
three octaves in one line.
Ananya’s mother sang four more songs to finish her act. Each song ended
with enthusiastic applause.
Smitha came on stage again.
‘That was wonderful, Radha. And before you leave, I’d like to invite the next
singer, Mr S.P. Balasubramanium, who has a few words to say about you.’
The crowd rose to its feet and applauded as one of South India’s greatest
singers took the stage. Radha aunty folded her hands and bowed to him.
S.P. said, ‘Good evening, Chennai, and thank you, Citibank. Before I begin, I
want to praise Radha for her wonderful singing. The songs were popular, but I
can see she has a strong classical base. Do you sing often, Radha?’
‘No, first time like this.’
‘Well, you should sing more. Shouldn’t she, Chennai?’
Everyone banged their tables in support. Ananya’s mother bowed to everyone.
As she straightened, her eyes were filled with tears.
‘So, you will?’ S.P. said as he pointed the mike to Radha.
‘Yes, I will. Also, sir, I want to say that today is the happiest day of my life. I’ve
shared the stage with you.’
The crowd clapped. Radha aunty fought back tears as she left the dais.
‘And I thought her happiest day was the day I was born,’ Ananya muttered as
she continued to clap.
The evening progressed with S.P. and Hariharan casting their spell on the
crowd. For everyone else, the main act had just begun. For me and Ananya’s
family, the main act was over.
Ananya’s mother joined us at the table after ten minutes.

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