2 States The Story Of My Marriage

(Nora) #1

‘They’d have a problem with anyone I choose. And you are South Indian, which
doesn’t help at all. OK, it’s not as bad as marrying someone from another
religion. But pretty close.
‘But I also aced my college. I have an MBA from IIMA and work for HLL. And
sorry to brag, but I am kind of pretty.’
‘Irrelevant. You are Tamilian. I am Punjabi.’
Ananya folded her offer letter and rearranged things in her bag.
‘What? Say something?’
‘Can’t be part of this backward conversation,’ she said. ‘Please, discuss your
woes with the Punjabi brethren.’
She stood up to leave. I tugged her down by her hand. ‘C’mon Ananya, aren’t
your parents going to flip out when they find out you have a Punjabi boyfriend?’
‘No, I don’t think so.’
‘Have you told them?’
‘Waiting for the appropriate time. The convocation is in two weeks. They’ll be
here, I will introduce you. Tell them what you have done in life, not where your
ancestors were born. They can meet your parents. They are coming, right?’
‘My mother, yes. Father, I don’t know.’
‘What’s the deal?’
‘Let’s not talk about it.’
‘You won’t tell your future wife? Have you invited him?’
She stood up, I followed suit. ‘Let’s go to the STD booth,’ she said.
‘This strong and silent warfare between you and your dad is becoming too

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