Proof :
Steps Justification
(1) ABCE is a quadrilateral inscribed in the circle.
Therefore, ABCAEC = 2 right angles.
ButABCADC = 2 right angles [given].
But this is impossible, since in 'CED, exterior AEC!
opposite interior ADC
Therefore, E and D points can not be different points.
So,E must coincide with the point D. Therefore, the
pointsA, B, C, D are concyclic.
[The sum of the two
opposite angles of an
inscribed quadrilateral
is two right angles.]
[The exterior angle is
greater than any
opposite interior angle.]
Exercise 8.3
If the internal and extern al bisectors of the angles B and Cof 'ABCmeet at
P and Q respectively, prove that B, P, C, Q are concyclcic.
Prove that, the bisector of any angle of a cyclic quadrilateral and the exterior
bisector of its opposite angle meet on the circumference of the circle.
ABCD is a circle. If the bisectors of CAB and CBA meet at the point P and the
bisectors of DBA and DAB meet at Q, prove that, the four points A, Q, P, B
are concyclic.
The chords AB and CDof a circle with centre Dmeet at right angles at some
point within the circle, prove that, AOD +BOC = 2 right angles.
If the vertical angles of two triangles standing on equal bases are supplementary,
prove that their circum-circles are equal.
The opposite angles of the quadrilateral ABCDare supplementary to each other.
If the line AC is the bisector of BAD, prove that, BC = CD.
8 ⋅4 Secant and Tangent of the circle
Consider the relative position of a circle and a straight line in the plane. Three
possible situations of the following given figures may arise in such a case:
(a) The circle and the straight line have no common points
(b) The straight line has cut the circle at two points
(c) The straight line has touched the circle at a point.