We know, 23 8 ; this mathematical statement is written in terms of log as
log 28 3. Again, conversely, if log 28 3 , it can be written in terms of exponents
as 23 8. That is, if 23 8 , then log 28 3 and conversely, if log 28 3 , then
23 8. Similarly,
2 ^3 3 can be written in terms of log as 3
log 2 .
If ax N, (a! 0 ,az 1 ),x logaN is defined as a based logN.
To be noticed : Whatever may be the values of x, positive or negative, ax is
always positive. So, only the log of positive numbers has values which are real ; log
of zero or negative numbers have no real value.
Activity-1 : Express in terms of
log :
Activity-2 : Fill in the blanks :
(i) 102 100 in terms of exponent in terms of log
3 ^2 101
(^0) log 101 0
e^0 ..... loge 1 ......
(iv) 24 1
a^0 ...... = ......
101 10 log 1010 1
e^1 ... ....... = .......
....... = ...... logaa 1
Formulae of Logarithms :
Let, a! 0 ,az 1 ;b! 0 ,bz 1 andM! 0 ,N! 0.
Formula 1. (a) loga 1 0 ,(a! 0 ,az 1 )
(b) logaa 1 ,(a! 0 ,az 1 )
Proof : (a) We know from the formula of exponents, a^0 1
? from the definition of log, we get, loga 1 0 (proved )
(b) We know, from the formula of exponents, a^1 a
? from the definition of log, we get, logaa 1 (proved).
Formula 2. loga(MN) logaMlogaN
Proof : Let, logaM x,logaN y;
? M ax,N ay