Hacking Gmail

(Grace) #1

Chapter 9 — Reading Mail 153

Listing the Mail and Displaying a Chosen Message

So, with that all fully understood, you can put your knowledge, and that of

Chapter 7, to use. Listing 9-1 shows code that logs in, displays the mail you have

in your account in a list, and then lets you select the one you want to read. Select
that, and it displays it. Easy and useful.

Listing 9-1 follows, and then I’ll walk you through it. It uses the Utils.pm module
from Chapter 7 to deal with the login procedure.

Listing 9-1:Mail Listing and Display

use Utils;

$gmail = login();

$messages = $gmail->getmessages(); # simply get all messages
$id = 1;
$num = 0;
foreach (@{$messages}) { # and iterate through them
if ($
->{“new”}) {
........print $id. “\t”. $_->{“sender_email”}. “\t”.
stripbold($->{“subject”}). “\n”; # output message data
........push(@nums, $num);

print “\n”;
print “enter message number to retrive it\n”;
$num = <>;
print “\n”;

$message = @{$messages}[$nums[$num - 1]];
$msgid = $message->{“id”};
if ($msgid) { # check if message id is OK
my $full_message = $gmail->get_indv_email(msg =>
$message); # and retrive full message (including body but not
attachments - if we need them as well - we need to use
get_attachment method)
print “sender: “. $full_message->{$id}->{“sender”}.

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