Hacking Gmail

(Grace) #1
nkeyboard shortcut, 18
navigation menu
HTML code for, 36–38
overview, 35–36
Neale, Chris (URIid extension), 44
network traffic
boot sequence
log for, cleaning up, 68
steps for, 68–89
watching, preparing for, 67–68
overview, 62
Gzip encoding, 64
heartbeat, Gmail’s unencoded, 65–66
new mail, checking for, 63–65
overview, 62
new labels
creating, 175
unlabeled messages, labeling, 173–174
new mail, checking for, 63–65
new mail notification
in Linux
Mail Notification, 6
overview, 5
Wmgmail, 6
in Mac OS X, 5
in Windows
Gmail Notifier, 4
Mozilla Gmail Notifier, 4
overview, 3
new style, applying, 44
overview, 205
torrent files, finding, 206
notepad application, using Gmail as, 207–208

object methods
abort( )method, 59
getAllResponseHeaders( )method, 59
getResponseHeader( )method, 60
open( )method, 60
send( )method, 60
setRequestHeader( )method, 60
object properties
onreadystatechangeproperty, 60
readyStateproperty, 60
responseTextproperty, 60
responseXMLproperty, 60
statusproperty, 60
statusTextproperty, 60

one message in inbox, 78–79
onreadystatechangeproperty, 60
open( )method, 60
ORoperator, 24
OS X package (Liyanage), 62

pkeyboard shortcut, 18
parentheses ( )operator, 25
Parparita, Mihai (style sheet), 51
password needed for sending mail, 161
Pederick, Chris (Web Developer Extension), 29
all data of a message, accessing, 152
AOL Instant Messenger, new mail count to, 144–149
attachments, 155
libwww-perl module, 136
listing mail and displaying chosen message, 153–155
MailFolder module, 136
MD5 module, 136
MIME-Base64 module, 136
MIME-tools module, 136
reading mail, 151–152
RSS feed of inbox, creating, 155–159
RSS, new mail count in, 137–139
sending mail and, 162–166
Utils.pm module, 135
photo gallery, using Gmail as storage for a, 210
checking for mail, 139–140
Goollery, 210
libraries for coders, 118–126
Pilgrim, Mark (GmailSecure), 108
plus addressing, 20–23
Pop mail access, setting up, 12–14
power tips
attachments, sending executables as, 23–24
filtering, 21
keyboard shortcuts
akey, 19
/(backslash) key, 18
ckey, 18
combo-keys shortcuts, 19
Enterkey, 18
esckey, 19
!(exclamation) key, 19
fkey, 19
g then akeys, 19
g then ckeys, 19
g then dkeys, 19
g then ikeys, 19
g then skeys, 19

282 Index■N–P

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