jkey, 18
kkey, 18
nkey, 18
overview, 15–17
pkey, 18
rkey, 19
skey, 19
spam filters and, 17
tab then enterkeys, 19
ukey, 18
xkey, 19
ykey, 18
y then okeys, 19
marking a group of e-mails, 23
plus addressing, 20–23
searching, advanced, 24–26
preloading interface, 54
Pygtk, 205
checking for mail, 140–141
gmtodo, 205
Python 2.3, 213–214
quota_mbproperty, 123
quota_perproperty, 123
quotes (“ “) operator, 25
rkeyboard shortcut, 19
random signatures, userscript for, 115
reading mail
individual mail, 81–89
with Perl
all data of a message, accessing, 152
attachments, 155
listing mail and displaying chosen message,
overview, 151–152
RSS feed of inbox, creating, 155–159
Utils.pm module used for, 153–155
readyStateproperty, 60
removing labels, 175–176
responseTextproperty, 60
responseXMLproperty, 60
retrieving a labeled message and replying, 171–173
RSS feeds
of inbox, creating, 155–159
new mail count in, 142–144
overview, 205
torrent files, finding, 206
skeyboard shortcut, 19
Savolainen, Pasi (Wmgmail), 6
scraping HTML::TokeParser, 186–194
search operators
after:operator, 25
bcc:operator, 25
before:operator, 25
cc:operator, 25
filename:operator, 25
from:operator, 24
has:attachmentoperator, 24
- (hyphen) operator, 24
in:anywhereoperator, 25
in:inboxoperator, 25
in:readoperator, 25
in:spamoperator, 25
in:starredoperator, 25
in:trashoperator, 25
in:unreadoperator, 25
label:operator, 24
ORoperator, 24
overview, 26
( )(parentheses) operator, 25
“ “(quotes) operator, 25
subject:operator, 24
to:operator, 24
overview, 186
searching, advanced, 24–26
send( )method, 60
sending mail
with Gmail SMTP
attachments, sending, 166
direct use of, 162
Mail::Webmail::Gmail and, 162–166
overview, 161–162
Perl and, 162–166
unread mail, reading and replying to, 163–166
password needed for, 161
send_message( )function, 131
Sent Mail folder, 196
setRequestHeader( )method, 60
size_usage( )function, 130
Snapshots, 123–124
spam filters, 17, 209–210
Spam folder, 196
Spindel, Nathan (gCount), 5
Starred folder, 196
statusproperty, 60
statusTextproperty, 60
std_box_newproperty, 123
storage space, 80
Index■P–S 283
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