string dump( )method, 120
style sheets, 45–51
style sheets (Parparita), 51
subject:operator, 24
tab then enterkeyboard shortcut, 19
Gzip encoding, 64
heartbeat, Gmail’s unencoded, 65–66
new mail, checking for, 63–65
overview, 62
thread, retrieving a, 83–88
trace from reading a message, 81–83
Tcpflow (Elson), 62
text-editing, 208
text file, exporting mail as, 197–198
and HTML::TokeParser, 195
retrieving, 83–88
to:operator, 24
to-do lists
filters and, 203–204
gmtodo, using, 205
overview, 203
top section of screen
HTML code for, 34–35
overview, 33–34
torrent files, finding, 206
trace from reading a message, 81–83
Trash folder, 196
ukeyboard shortcut, 18
unlabeled messages, labeling, 173–174
unread mail, reading and replying to, 163–166
update_prefs( )function, 129
URIid extension (Neale), 44
Bloglines, displaying, 92–100
Delete button, adding, 101–108
GmailSecure, 108–110
hide invites, 115
how it works, 100–101
HTTPS, forcing Gmail to use, 108–110
installation of, 92
MailtoComposeInGmail, 110–114
mark read button, 114–115
multiple signatures, 115
random signatures, 115 module, 135, 153–155
vCards, 181–182
viewing HTML version of Gmail, 183–185
Villegas, Andres (Goollery), 210
void disconnect( )method, 120
void setLoginInfomethod, 119
void setProxymethod, 119
void setSessionMethodmethod, 119
Web Developer Extension (Pederick), 29
WebMailCompose (Brown), 7
Gmail Notifier, 4
mailto:link redirection, 7
Mozilla Gmail Notifier, 4
new mail notification, 3–4
overview, 3
Wirz, Martin (Goollery), 210
Wmgmail (Savolainen), 6
xkeyboard shortcut, 19
within Gmail code, 61
HTML code for, 56–59
object methods, 59–60
object properties, 60
overview, 55
using yourself, 55–60
ykeyboard shortcut, 18
y then okeyboard shortcut, 19
284 Index■S–Y
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