Hacking Gmail

(Grace) #1

50 Part II — Getting Inside Gmail

body#gmail-google-com table.tlc tr.ur:hover td span.ct,
body#gmail-google-com table.tlc tr.rr:hover td span.ct{
display: inline;

body#gmail-google-com table.tlc tr.ur:hover td span[id]:after,
body#gmail-google-com table.tlc tr.rr:hover td span[id]:after{
content: attr(id);
display: block;
margin-left: -38px; /* hack to hide “user_” id prefix */
color: #b6af9e;


The first thing to notice is that you turned off the bottom button bar. There’s no
need to have two, and you have one at the top already. Then you recolor the links
within the top bar.

The next section colors the background of the application white and removes the
solid borders. Then you have two bits of CSS: You define the background color of
the rows for each message within the mailbox that is being viewed. Within the
Inbox, these lines of CSS put a gray background behind unread mail, and a white
background behind read mail (see Figure 4-11).

FIGURE4-11: The new style sheet applied
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