Biology Questions and Answers
- What are the main types of
The main types of lipids are triglycerides
(fats and oils), pand steroids. hospholipids, waxes
- What is the structural
formula of glycerol? To which
organic function do these
molecules belong?
Glycerol is a lincarbons; the central carbon is bound toear chain of three (^)
one hydroxyl radical and to one
hydrogen and the two otthe extremities are bound to a hher carbons inydroxyl (^)
radical and to two hydrogens. Spatial
sides of the hydroxyls are the same.
- How are triglycerides
Triglyceridthree molecules, fats or oils, ares of fatty acids be made ofound to (^)
one molecule of glycerol. Hydroxyls of
each one of the three fattyeach hydrogen of the hydroxyls acids and of the (^)
glycerol bind to form three molecules of
water that are liberated.
- What are phospholipids?
Phospholipids are molecules made of
glycerol bfatty acids anound to two long molecules od to one phosphate group.f (^)
Therefore, phospholipids are
amphipathic molnon-polar portion, ecules, i.due to the long fattye., they have a
acid chains, and a polar portion, dthe group phosphate. ue to
Phospholiof cell membranes. Sphingomyelin, pids are the main componentthe (^)
substance that forms the myelin sheath
of axons in the nervous system,phospholipid too. is a
- What are steroids? What
are some examples of steroids
with a biological function?
Steroids are combination olipids bf four carbon ased in an angularrings, three (^)
of them made of six carbons and one
ring made of five carextremity. The union of each ring to thebons in the (^)
adjacent ritwo adjacent carbons bng is made by the sharielonging to bothng of (^)
Bile salts,hormones estro cholesterol, thgen, progesterone sexual (^) e and
testosteropro-vitamin D ne, the corticosteroids aare examples of steroids.nd the