Magazyn IVSA Wrocław

(Animalwelfare) #1

the beaches daily to find and protect nests or monitoring the exit of the
young hatchlings. This allows them to be protected and marked accordingly,
so that the risk of damage by tourists or residents decreases. The found
nests are also being studied - the number of eggs deposited is important,
which can be then compared with the number of turtles that managed to
reach the sea. This provides information on population development. It is
estimated that less than one thousand hatchlings survive to adulthood.

In addition to marking nests and observing hatched turtles, which
undoubtedly attracts many people, it is important to be minded to spread

information and raise awareness of the
local community and tourists on
environmental issues and the habitats
of turtles found in this Mediterranean
area- therefore volunteers are engaged
in the information Kiosks, telling people
from all over the world about
ARCHELON's work, light pollution, the
impact of tourism on the life and
reproduction of these wonderful animals. These two main tasks of people "in
the field", may seem undemanding but they are the opposite. In combination
with accommodation on campsites and at least a month spent under a tent,
they require good physical condition. Moreover, everyone willing to
participate must prepare for all-day work in high temperatures, getting up
early for morning patrols or night inspections of the beaches. Is it deterring?
I don't think so. Undoubtedly, it is a very rewarding activity, enabling you to
gain unique experiences and meet amazing people who want to help repair
the world with their work.

Other challenges await those volunteering at the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre in
Athens. Here we are dealing with less work in the field, but a lot of practical
experience and direct care for sick and injured turtles. Eirini Kasimati, who
has been working as a Rescue&Rehabilitation Officer for several years, told
us more about the Rehabilitation Center and ARCHELON herself. Eirini was
very happy to agree to do the interview and was pleased that as
IVSA Wrocław we are interested in ARCHELON's work.

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