How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Make Your Opinion Matter 93

higher response rate for only 2 percent higher cost than
the nearest competitor.

Avoid saying,

$14.95 is too low a price.


If we price it at $14.95, the reps won’t make enough in
commission to be willing to promote it.

Don’t say,

This article is too long.


The average article is 400 to 600 words. This one is
1,100 words. We need to edit it down to appeal to the
average attention span.

Throughout this book, I express what I think and then back
up my assertions with specific examples and illustrations. I don’t
just tell you it’s important to be able to communicate your ideas
effectively, I also provide illustrations of what happened to peo-
ple who didn’t. I let you experience for yourself why my ideas
are valid when I demonstrate what not to say and follow it by
what to say instead. Do you want to convince someone of some-
thing? Give examples and be specific.

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