How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

94 PowerPhrases in Action

PowerPhrases to Say What You Think

Are Targeted

The perfect words to get your point across depend on your goal.
What do you want to happen?

  • Is your goal to get them to buy into your idea?

  • Do you simply want them to consider your idea?

  • Are you trying to start a discussion based on your

Pick an approach that will get your desired results. If you
want people to buy-in, speak decisively. If you want them to
consider your idea, let them know this is your opinion. If you
want to start a discussion, tell them you are sharing your ideas
to start a discussion.
It is rare to be 100 percent sure of anything. Don’t wait
until you have absolute certainty to speak decisively.
Throughout this manuscript I have edited words such as “I
believe,” “I recommend,” and “It seems to me.” I want you to
take my words seriously, so I avoid qualifiers. For example, in
my previous chapter I started to say,

I believe small talk makes big things happen.

I edited it to say,

Small talk makes big things happen.

Doesn’t that sound more powerful? To state my knowledge
as belief limits the impact.

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