How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Make Your Opinion Matter 97

PowerPhrases to Say What You Think

Mean What You Say

Do you walk your talk? No one will believe you if you do not
live what you say. One insurance salesman was frustrated by his
inability to sell large life insurance policies. A coworker pointed
out that the salesman himself did not have a large life insurance
policy, so his recommendations lacked credibility.

PowerPhrases to Say What You Think

Are Not Mean When You Say Them

Be certain to consider your listeners. Be careful not to criticize
any opposing ideas or to imply that they must be crazy if they
do not buy into your idea the way you want them to. Avoid the

Anyone would know

It should be obvious to you

As anyone can see

Those phrases create defensiveness.
Also, do not communicate judgment thoughts, blame, or
thoughts that put-down your listener. When you are tempted
to blame, express your thoughts without blame.
In some cases you will want to tone down the strength of
your opinions by adding the phrases

I believe
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