How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

4 Why PowerPhrases?

my mouth and put my foot right in. Then I thought of the per-
fect words—AFTER it was too late.” I also hear people say, “I
wish I had said something, but I didn’t know what to say—so
I didn’t open my mouth.”
These people need PowerPhrases. If you ever find yourself
at a loss for words, you already know why you need Power-
Phrases, too. While talking is natural, talking in a way that will
get you great results in today’s world is not something most of
us have learned. PowerPhrases is an idea whose time has come.
As the amount of information we absorb increases and as our
attention span decreases, it’s more important than ever for you
to express yourself clearly and directly. That’s exactly what Pow-
erPhrases will help you to do. In hundreds of situations exactly
like the ones you face every day, you’ll learn what words to use
so that your listeners get your point.
Oh, I will give you principles. Principles are important—but
principles alone are not enough. What makesHow to Use Power
Phrasesdifferent is that it provides you with the actual Power-
Phrases—the exact words to embrace your message in a way that
will be heard. Once you experience your meaning expressed in
PowerPhrases, once you know what PowerPhrases look like,
sound like, and feel like—you’ll discover how to makeyour
words talk the walk you want. It’s time for you to SpeakTall.
Part 1 of How to Use Power Phrasesis about the importance
of PowerPhrases and provides a basic understanding of what
PowerPhrases are. Part 2 goes into depth about the PowerPhrase
Principles—the secrets of what makes PowerPhrases so effective.
Part 3 puts these principles in action. Part 4 ties it all together.

As unique as you are, you face the same communication chal-
lenges as everyone else. As unique as you are, you will nod with

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