How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

108 PowerPhrases in Action

I couldn’t tell you wanted a cab. Your signals were not

I’m sure that’s not the only time my signals weren’t clear! Even
hailing a taxi was a frightening experience of putting my needs
out there.
I don’t know where I got the idea that I wasn’t allowed to
want or need, but I did. All across the world I encounter peo-
ple who know exactly what I am talking about when I say this.
Getting clear about what you want is the first big step in mak-
ing powerful requests. Figure out what you really want, and ask
fo r i t.
So how do you use PowerPhrases to make powerful requests?
The same way you use PowerPhrases to communicate anything.
Be brief, specific, and targeted, and say what you mean and
mean what you say without being mean when you say it.

PowerPhrases to Make Requests Are


Being brief means cutting the fluff! Don’t say,

I’m sorry to bother you—I mean I know what a busy person
you are, but I was hoping that maybe Thursday—well it
doesn’t have to be Thursday, but Thursday would work for
me-and it could be morning and could be the afternoon, it
really depends on you. Anyway, I am wondering if you might
meet with me just for a few minutes if it’s convenient....

Yuck! Gag! Choke! Do you do this? Do not water your request
down with too many words and do not overstate your case with
too many words. If you ask,

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