How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Power Up, Stand Up, SpeakTall 5

recognition when you hear the mistakes others have made, and
you will appreciate the solutions offered in this book. As unique
as you are, you will find yourself in every section whether you
are an employee, a manager, a friend, a mother, a father, a
daughter, a son—we are all people, and we need to know how
to talk to each other.
How do you express yourself? Do you go from silence to
violence? Do you go from being mute to being a brute? Do you
go from holding back to attack? If you do, you’re normal! But
unfortunately, being normal comes with a price. Whether it was
the wrong word at the wrong time, an unintended insult, or a
moment you kept silent and wished you hadn’t, I bet you have
paid a price for your communication style. I bet some of the
stories I’m about to tell you will trigger some not-so-delightful
memories in your mind.
I want to be sure that you understand the price of silence.
We’ll start there. Then we’ll talk about the price of speaking inef-
fectively. You are going to find out just why you need Power-
Silence is golden when it’s called for. Silence can be deadly
when it’s not called for. Don’t think I’m exaggerating. Silence
can cost you your promotion, your marriage, your health, your
happiness—even your life.
There are four situations in which silence isn’t golden:

  1. Silence isn’t golden when people need to know your
    thoughts and opinions—even if they don’t want to
    hear them.

  2. Silence isn’t golden when people need to know you

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