How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

130 PowerPhrases in Action

PowerPhrases for Listening Mean What

You Say

Avoid telling them,

I want to hear what you have to say.

and then arguing with them when they try to tell you.
Avoid saying,

You can talk to me.

and proceed to make them wish they hadn’t tried.
Steer clear of saying,

Help me to understand.

and proceed to stop listening as soon as they say the first thing
you don’t agree with. This is a delicate process. Keep the
integrity of your words. Mean what you say.

PowerPhrases for Listening Are Not

Mean When You Say Them

Listening is about creating safety. At the first sign of judgment,
blame, accusation, or rejection, your friend, family member,
boss, or coworker is likely to clam up. Listen with your heart
Avoid saying,

You don’t mean that.
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