How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

When You Really Blew It 133

Stephen Covey’s words in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
Peopleapply here. He said,

You cannot talk your way out of something you acted
your way into.

It will take a lifetime for Tony to gain forgiveness.
I assume your mistakes are more trivial. Whatever mistakes
you are apologizing for, it is important that you apologize with
PowerPhrase grace.
While you can’t talk your way out of something you acted
your way into, you can smooth some feathers by using short,
specific, targeted expressions to say what you mean and mean
what you say without being mean when you say them.

PowerPhrases to Apologize Sincerely

without Groveling Are Short

Keep your apology to a few sentences. Groveling happens when
you keep going after it has all been said. Don’t plead, beg, or
whine. Just apologize. When you go on too long, everyone gets

PowerPhrases to Apologize Sincerely

without Groveling Are Specific

A generic

I’m sorry.
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