How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

134 PowerPhrases in Action

is too vague to be effective. Explain specifically why you regret
what you did. Say,

You were counting on me and I let you down.

I care about you and what I did doesn’t honor that.

I hate to see you hurting and hate it even more to know
I caused it.

Ask yourself: Why are you sorry? What can you acknowl-
edge in their experience that will make them feel heard and
understood? You need to address the pain or inconvenience you
caused them to be effective. Be specific to what happened. If
you are apologizing for losing an application, acknowledge the
specific inconvenience and hardship they experienced as a result.
If you are apologizing for missing an appointment, apologize
for the impact that had.

PowerPhrases to Apologize Sincerely

without Groveling Are Targeted

Why do you want to apologize? If forgiveness is the result you
seek, or at least some mending of the relationship, keep that
goal firmly in mind. That means avoid saying,

You know, I’m not the only one who messed up here.

or making excuses. Accept full responsibility for your role in
what happened and don’t worry about their role. That’s another
discussion that you may or may not choose to have later.

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