How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

136 PowerPhrases in Action

If you really blew it, add,

I want to make it up to you. How can I do that?

While you cannot talk your way out of something you acted
your way into, a sincere admission of what you mean with
promise of restitution and better behavior often helps.

PowerPhrases to Apologize Sincerely

without Groveling Mean What You Say

An insincere apology is worse than no apology at all. If you say
you are sorry but continue the offending behavior, your actions
contradict your words. Apologize only if you mean it. Resist the
temptation to say,

I’m sorry to have to tell you—you’re an idiot.

Only promise things you believe you can follow up on. Do
not agree to make it up somehow and then not follow through.
You need to show your regret by action. If they ask for some
form of restitution, you cannot agree to, say,

I do sincerely regret what I did. And I need to be real-
istic in what I agree to. I do not want to let you down
again. Let’s find some other way for me to make it up
to you that I am certain I can agree to.
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