How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

140 PowerPhrases in Action

interviewer asked me, “Tell me about using PowerPhrases for
managing bosses, managing coworkers, managing employees,
and what unique issues there are in each.” When the question
is too long, the listener can lose the point. Keep the questions
brief and ask one at a time.

PowerPhrase Questions Are Specific

I’m used to it now, but the first time an interviewer opened with
the question, “What can you tell me about PowerPhrases,” I
stumbled. Where do I start? Now I start by saying whatever I
want to say (YES!), but until I figured that out, the question
seemed too vague to get a grip on.
Asking a job applicant,

Tell me about yourself.

won’t get you the same amount of information as asking,

Tell me about your most valuable skill.

That said, be wary of asking questions that are so specific
as to “lead the witness.” If you are a manager and you need to
investigate whether Joe sexually harassed Frieda, instead of

Did you hear Joe tell Frieda that he would give her his stats
in exchange for a kiss?


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