How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

You Don’t Have to Put Up with Put-Downs 149

We found out about the person who had the job after her.
Marie loved her job—and she loved her boss! She taught him
how to treat her early on. When Dr. Awful asked,

What kind of idiot are you?

Marie didn’t suffer in silence. She also didn’t say,

The same kind of idiot as the person who hired me.

She said,

When you ask, “What kind of idiot are you,” I get con-
fused and actually make more mistakes. I need for you
to give me support when I make mistakes.

When Dr. Awful said,

Can’t you follow any directions?

Marie didn’t doubt her ability to follow directions. She also
didn’t say,

I could if they weren’t given by a moron.

She said,

I find your directions difficult to follow. Let’s sit down
and find a way for you to give directions that I find eas-
ier to follow.

When Dr. Awful said,

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