How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

152 PowerPhrases in Action

when you are assertive they soon discover they can’t get away
with it and they stop.
If they are laying it on you because they have an issue and
don’t know how to communicate any other way, an invitation
to speak openly will eliminate their attack.
If it is a habit they are unaware of, telling them makes them
Target your words toward the result you want.

PowerPhrase Responses to Unkind

Criticism Say What You Mean

Tell the truth about what you think, feel, and want.

I think that remark was hurtful and uncalled for.

I feel disappointed and affronted.

I want to be treated with respect.


I think there must be something else bothering you for
you to make a remark like that.

I feel offended.

I want to discuss anything that may be creating tension
between us.


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