How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

You Don’t Have to Put Up with Put-Downs 153

That remark sounded like a dig.

I am insulted.

I expect to be treated with respect.

I don’t understand why you would speak that way.

Your response to their words gives you the meaning you need
to communicate in your PowerPhrases.

PowerPhrase Responses to Put-Downs

Mean What You Say

I was on an airplane sitting next to a man and woman. The man
was taking potshots at the woman every chance he got. When
we got up to leave, I asked if they were married, hoping for her
sake that they weren’t! He replied,

Yes—I married this.

She said an ineffective

Oh, stop!

It was clear that she didn’t expect him to change a thing in
response to her words. She was swatting flies.
When someone puts you down, don’t speak as a test to see
if he will comply. You are not throwing words out hoping he
will pick up on it. PowerPhrases will only end unkind criticism
when you really intend to end it.

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