How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

154 PowerPhrases in Action

It does not work to stand up to the side-swipes once and
ignore them another time. Stay committed to insisting that you
want to be treated with respect. If you tell them you won’t be
spoken to that way, and then take it when they speak that way
again, you invite more abuse. Also, avoid telling them you want
to address issues directly and then make it hard for them to be
honest with you. Mean what you say.
What would I have had that woman tell her husband? How
could she have responded with firmness and dignity? How

I do not deserve that remark and you know it.

That remark is inappropriate and uncalled for.

PowerPhrase Responses to Put-Downs

Are Not Mean When You Say Them

It is important to SpeakTall when someone puts you down, and
it is important that you don’t stoop to her level of Vicious
Venom Poison Phrases.
I would not have advised my airplane seatmate to take a
shot back at her depreciating husband. I would not have advised
her to say,

A loser like you is lucky to have me!

It takes a lot of courage to take the high road when some-
one is being unkind to you. That’s the only way to break the
cycle. Be willing to do what works, and do what will turn them
around. Be clear about your intention to be respected and kind

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