How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

162 PowerPhrases in Action

Avoid saying,

I’ll get you a refund.

if you’re not sure you can.
Avoid saying,

This will never happen again.

if you can’t guarantee it.
Avoid saying,

I’m not listening to this.

and then proceed to listen.
Be sure you mean every word you say.

PowerPhrases to Handle the Angry

Person Are Not Mean When You Say


I don’t care how inappropriate the angry person is. Your job is
to stay full of integrity. No matter how passive, aggressive, or
passive-aggressive they are, you need to take the high road. It’s
the right thing to do—and it works.
Listen and speak with compassion and an eye on your cho-
sen goal. Avoid blame, attack, and resistance.
Be careful about your choice of words to avoid inviting mis-
interpretation. Avoid saying,

You shouldn’t be angry.
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