How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

180 PowerPhrases in Action

Help me to understand how you see it that way.

Can you clarify that?

That’s an interesting perspective. What if...

Look for areas where you agree and confirm them. Say,

We are in agreement about a couple of things here...
(A)... and (B)....Where we are still at odds is...

Helen was afraid she would be fired for losing an account.
Before she brought up the subject of the account, she started
with questions she knew her boss would answer “yes” to. She

Is it true that I have been an asset to you for the major-
ity of the five years I’ve been here?

Do you agree that my performance has improved
within the last year?

I believe our relationship has been too valuable to end
over a single incident that will never happen again. Do
you agree?

Helen was delighted when she kept her job. Her comment was,
“That works so much better than arguing.”

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