How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

188 PowerPhrases in Action

your goals next month, because I want to see you be

How about you? Who is your nemesis? Who is the one per-
son who knows every one of your buttons—and takes great
delight in pressing them? Who is the one person who makes it
easier to understand the concept of homicide?
For Mindy it was Brenda. Mindy found a way to be com-
pletely clear while still being respectful of Brenda. You can be
clear and respectful at the same time. Take inspiration from
Mindy. Take yourself off mute and address your nemesis with
PowerPhrases. Be short, specific, targeted, say what you mean,
mean what you say, and don’t be mean when you say it.

PowerPhrases to Address Issues Are


Mindy used enough words to be clear, but eliminated excess
words. She resisted the temptation to “get it over with quickly,”
but she also resisted the temptation to over-explain. Every word
she used worked toward her goal in speaking.

PowerPhrases to Address Issues Are


Mindy’s message was specific enough for Brenda to know
exactly what behavior caused problems. She was specific about
four areas:

  1. She told Brenda exactly what behavior she wanted
    changed. She didn’t say,

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