How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Homicide Is Not an Option 191

PowerPhrases to Address Issues Say

What You Mean

What would you say if you did not edit yourself? What do you
really mean? What do you think? What do you feel? What do
you want? Why is their behavior a problem? That is where you
start finding the words. Then balance those words with what is
likely to get results.
Many times people will write me or come to me with spe-
cific questions about what to say when they address an issue. I
usually find the perfect words in their own words. Listen to
what you are telling others. You will find the words to commu-
nicate with your nemesis in those words.

PowerPhrases to Address Issues Mean

What You Say

Only say things you intend to follow through with. Mindy
might have chosen to say,

If this continues, I will speak to the supervisor about it.

That would be a PowerPhrase if she believed she needed that
strong of communication and if she meant it. Only say it if you
mean it.

PowerPhrases to Address Issues Are

Not Mean When You Say Them

As out-of-line as Brenda may have seemed, Mindy did not utter
one word of attack or say one thing that challenged Brenda’s

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