How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

192 PowerPhrases in Action

dignity. It does not matter how me-against-you she tries to make
it. When you see the situation as the two of you against a prob-
lem—when you refuse to view her as your adversary—when
you preserve her dignity no matter how vehemently she attacks
yours—you preserve your own dignity as well and you get
Because a PowerPhrase is as strong as it needs to be and no
stronger, you will want to start gently and if that isn’t getting
results, use stronger words.

I prefer.

is not as strong as

I want.

I want is not as strong as

I need.

When you need to speak more strongly yet, add consequences.

I will.

Who is your nemesis? Everyone has one! Polish off your Power-
Phrases and address the issue.

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