How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

PowerPhrases 101 13

was. Looking back, I appreciate that he said it in a way that got
through my defenses and turned my behavior around. That
happened thirty years ago, and I remember it to this day. Now,
that’s a PowerPhrase!
Let’s have a look at the definition of a PowerPhrase. The
dictionary says “power” is “the ability to act or do.” You have
power when you can get results, make things happen, and get
things done. Power is measured in outcome. The passenger who
missed his flight might have felt powerful as he blasted the gate
agent. In terms of results, a softer approach would have been
more effective and, therefore, more powerful.
The definition of a “phrase” is a “brief expression.” So a
PowerPhrase is a brief expression that gets results.
Your expression needs to be targeted and worded in a way
that will get results. Results come when you are specific about
saying what you mean and meaning what you say, without
being mean when you say it.
Therefore, I define a PowerPhrase as follows:

A PowerPhrase is a short, specific, targeted expression
that says what you mean and means what you say,
without being mean when you say it.

Memorize this definition! Use the definition to guide you!
Ask yourself if your words are true PowerPhrases.
Let’s look at the definition piece by piece.

PowerPhrases Are Short

My friend Eric’s words were short. Their brevity added to their
power. Passive communicators often use too many words,

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