How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

198 PowerPhrases in Action

Ask yourself what the specific need is behind the remark and
speak to that. Say,

Do you want to go out tonight?

If she says, “I do all the work around here,” do not respond
to her literal words by saying,

You’re wrong. Why just yesterday I sent a fax for you.

Again, ask yourself what she specifically means and speak to

Do you need some help right now?

Rather than respond to the literal meaning of her words,
ask yourself how you can get to the specific nature of the issue.
PowerPhrases are specific.

PowerPhrases between the Genders

Are Targeted

To get results, speak more impersonally with men and more per-
sonally with women. Want to persuade a man to see a movie
you want to see? Tell him,

The reviews were unanimously positive. It received four
Academy Award nominations.

Want to get a woman to see a movie you want to see? Say,
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