How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

What He Says Is Not What She Hears 199

I heard that Barbara and Susan saw it and loved it.

Do you want to be taken seriously? If you are speaking to
a group with men in it, be sure to include factual data.

A recent survey shows that 25 percent of our children
are being raised by a single parent.

If you are speaking to a group with women in it, be certain to
add the human touch.

When the judge asked Sean which parent he wanted to
live with, he said, “I just want everything to go back to
being the way it was.”

If your goal in a communication is to be respected, avoid
dwelling on your problems in speaking with men. Women see
this as a bonding signal, but men see it as a sign of weakness.
Be aware that men primarily speak to relay information,
while women also speak to build rapport and sort out their
thoughts. Know what kind of results you are looking for, under-
stand the purpose of speaking, and communicate that purpose
to your listener so they know how to listen and you get the
results you want.

PowerPhrases between the Genders Say

What You Mean

Often women will disguise opinions as questions. For example,
a woman who believes a bid is too high might say,

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