How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

200 PowerPhrases in Action

Do you think we can do better?

She needs to say what she means. She needs to say,

This bid is too high. We can do better.

Men are more literal and less likely to take hints than
women. Author Mimi Donaldson says that if a woman com-

I love flowers.

the man does not assume she is suggesting he get her some.
Mimi suggests women do better to ask directly,

Please get me 13 yellow roses for my birthday. Here’s
the store I want you to get them from.

When I share this example in mixed groups, the women moan
and the men love it! “Say what you mean!” they exclaim.
With men, be sure that you say what you mean by stress-
ing the objective sides of your points. Say,

The restructuring will impact us in the following three

With women, when you say what you mean, include some per-
sonal information.

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