How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

210 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases

When a video editor told me

I hate your script.

I translated his remark into

I have some recommendations for your script.

and we proceeded amicably.

Tip #4: In Some Situations No

PowerPhrase Will Help

Someone said to me, “PowerPhrases sound great in an ideal
world, but in the real world it doesn’t work like that.” My expe-
rience shows me that PowerPhrases do work in the real world—
most of the time, at least. PowerPhrases are designed for the
imperfect world of imperfect people we live in and live with.
Of course, there are situations beyond reason. Occasionally,
people will come to me with questions that sound as if they are
asking me how to turn a sociopath into a normal person. I do
not have tools to do that.
You will sometimes encounter situations in which no mat-
ter how well-worded your PowerPhrases are, the cards are
stacked against you. Your best option is damage control by
removing yourself from these unhealthy situations.
There will always be people who continue to drink alcohol
long after their seizures cause them to lose their jobs, no mat-
ter what you tell them. There will always be people who try the
next get-rich-quick scheme after losing their inheritance in the
last one, no matter how well-worded your warnings are. You

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