How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Tips for Using PowerPhrases 211

will always have those friends who date Ms. or Mr. Wrong, no
matter whom you try to set them up with. People need to learn
their own lessons.
PowerPhrases can’t change other people. PowerPhrases can
influence other people, however—and PowerPhrases can totally
transform you. I do not recommend giving up on a situation
until you have used PowerPhrases to your best ability. I do rec-
ommend retreating from a war you can never win.

Tip #5: Learn and Practice the Runion

Rules for Communication

I have eight guidelines that I call the Runion Rules, because the
word “rules” sounds so nice with my last name! I commit to
these and recommend you do as well.

  1. Pass Up Points at a Price

Never score points at someone else’s expense. It will come back
to get you.

  1. Swear Off Sarcasm

Eliminate sarcasm except when there is a high degree of trust
and you are certain that no one will be offended.

  1. Banish the Beam in Your Own Eye First

When you do not like how someone is communicating with
you, before you speak ask yourself how the way you are com-
municating might be contributing to the way she speaks.

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