How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

212 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases

  1. Judge Ye Not

Eliminate judgment from your words. Know the difference
between discernment and judgment.

  1. Know Their Needs

When someone else needs to talk, it’s your turn to listen—even
if it’s not REALLY your turn to listen. (There are occasional
exceptions to this rule.)

  1. Balance Your Power

Speak as strongly as you need to and no stronger.

  1. Remember 24-Hour Power

Remember the 24-hour rule. If you feel compelled to say some-
thing that carries a risk, wait 24 hours before you open your

  1. Use Your Verbal Litmus Test

Evaluate your words by the six PowerPhrase Principles before
you speak. If your words don’t fit all six, rework them. These
principles are: (1) Short, (2) Specific, (3) Targeted, (4) Say what
you mean, (5) Mean what you say, (6) Don’t be mean when you
say it.

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