212 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases
- Judge Ye Not
Eliminate judgment from your words. Know the difference
between discernment and judgment.
- Know Their Needs
When someone else needs to talk, it’s your turn to listen—even
if it’s not REALLY your turn to listen. (There are occasional
exceptions to this rule.)
- Balance Your Power
Speak as strongly as you need to and no stronger.
- Remember 24-Hour Power
Remember the 24-hour rule. If you feel compelled to say some-
thing that carries a risk, wait 24 hours before you open your
- Use Your Verbal Litmus Test
Evaluate your words by the six PowerPhrase Principles before
you speak. If your words don’t fit all six, rework them. These
principles are: (1) Short, (2) Specific, (3) Targeted, (4) Say what
you mean, (5) Mean what you say, (6) Don’t be mean when you
say it.