How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

216 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases

and win trust before you make too many changes. These
phrases will help.

Question #2: Keep It Down to a Dull


Dear Meryl: I have a friend at work who needs to communi-
cate a problem with one of our coworkers. This coworker can
be very unapproachable, as she is a VERY negative person. The
problem is that she has been receiving personal phone calls from
a bill collector here at work. (The ironic thing is that we work
in an accounts receivable department. Funny, huh?) Whenever
she receives one of these calls, she gradually starts getting louder
and louder. When this happens, my friend cannot hear whom
she is talking to on the phone. Not to mention, after [the
coworker] hangs up she rants and raves about the conversation.
We are in dire need of a PowerPhrase!!! Can you help?

Meryl Responds: You and your friend need to be a united force
when expressing your concerns to this coworker. The words you
choose must be straightforward. Say,

I wonder if you are aware how loud your voice gets. It
actually interferes with my ability to hear my own con-
versation and I’m concerned that the other party hears
you as well. I am aware that the situation is upsetting
to you; however, we need you to keep your voice low.

When she resists, don’t argue or try to convince her. Sim-
ply say,

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