How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Your PowerPhrases Final Exam 225

  1. What is a Vicious Venom Poison Phrase?

  2. What is a Respect-Robbing Poison Phrase?

  3. List three filler Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

  4. List three qualifier Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

  5. List three indecisive Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

  6. List three vague, hinting Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

  7. List three negative, weakening Respect-Robbing Poison

  8. List three labeling Vicious Venom Poison Phrases.

  9. List three absolute Vicious Venom Poison Phrases.

  10. List three negative Vicious Venom Poison Phrases that

  11. What are three more types of Vicious Venom Poison
    Phrases that can overpower and maim?

  12. How many words are contained in the Gettysburg Address?

  13. Fill in the blank. If your conscious mind does not choose
    a goal for a conversation, your —————will.

  14. What are four valuable goals to strive for in using Power-

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