Your PowerPhrases Final Exam 225
- What is a Vicious Venom Poison Phrase?
- What is a Respect-Robbing Poison Phrase?
- List three filler Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.
- List three qualifier Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.
- List three indecisive Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.
- List three vague, hinting Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.
- List three negative, weakening Respect-Robbing Poison
Phrases. - List three labeling Vicious Venom Poison Phrases.
- List three absolute Vicious Venom Poison Phrases.
- List three negative Vicious Venom Poison Phrases that
maim. - What are three more types of Vicious Venom Poison
Phrases that can overpower and maim? - How many words are contained in the Gettysburg Address?
- Fill in the blank. If your conscious mind does not choose
a goal for a conversation, your —————will. - What are four valuable goals to strive for in using Power-