226 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases
- If you don’t mean it don’t ———it.
- Give two reasons why small talk is important.
- To get a conversation going, give your listener a little extra
- What is the main key to small talk?
- Always be certain to express ——— as thoughts and
———as feelings.
- Is this a legitimate feeling: I feel you should have called?
- List three key PowerPhrases for making powerful requests.
- What are the three parts of PowerPhrases for saying “no”?
- List three key PowerPhrases for listening.
- What three things should you disclose to apologize suc-
cessfully? - What are five types of PowerPhrase questions?
- What is the definition of “manipulation”?
- List three examples of improper uses of questions.
- What are the three reasons people use sarcasm or mixed