How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

226 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases

  1. If you don’t mean it don’t ———it.

  2. Give two reasons why small talk is important.

  3. To get a conversation going, give your listener a little extra


  1. What is the main key to small talk?

  2. Always be certain to express ——— as thoughts and

———as feelings.

  1. Is this a legitimate feeling: I feel you should have called?

  2. List three key PowerPhrases for making powerful requests.

  3. What are the three parts of PowerPhrases for saying “no”?

  4. List three key PowerPhrases for listening.

  5. What three things should you disclose to apologize suc-

  6. What are five types of PowerPhrase questions?

  7. What is the definition of “manipulation”?

  8. List three examples of improper uses of questions.

  9. What are the three reasons people use sarcasm or mixed

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