How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Your PowerPhrases Final Exam 229

A short, specific, targeted expression that says what you
mean and means what you say without being mean
when you say it.

  1. What is a Vicious Venom Poison Phrase?

Vicious Venom Poison Phrases are destructive and harm-
ful phrases.

  1. What is a Respect-Robbing Poison Phrase?

Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases are phrases that weaken
your message.

  1. List three filler Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

Here are four: Well, um, you know, like.

  1. List three qualifier Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

Here are several: I sort of, I just, I’m wondering if, it kind
of, it seems like, I could be wrong but, this is just a
thought I’m having, sorry to bother you, I have one little
question, maybe we could.

  1. List three indecisive Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

Did you have any of these? I should, I’ll try, I might be
able to, maybe we could, you might want to consider, one
possibility might be, perhaps.

  1. List three vague, hinting Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

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