230 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases
I wish someone would, I could use some help around here, I
might want your help with...
- List three negative, weakening Respect-Robbing Poison
Here are some examples: I’ll have to, I can’t, it doesn’t,
I’m not good at, if only, but.
- List three labeling Vicious Venom Poison Phrases.
Here are five:You’re an idiot, you’re a bully, you’re selfish,
you’re a bad listener, you’re cheap.
- List three absolute Vicious Venom Poison Phrases.
Here are four:Always, never, every time, everything.
- List three negative Vicious Venom Poison Phrases that
Don’t, no, you can’t.
- What are three more types of Vicious Venom Poison
Phrases that can overpower and maim?
The “shoulds,” veiled assumptions, and assumed inten-
- How many words are contained in the Gettysburg Address?