How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Your PowerPhrases Final Exam 231

  1. Fill in the blank. If your conscious mind does not choose
    a goal for a conversation, your ———will.


  1. What are four valuable goals to strive for in using Power-

    1. To understand the other person,

    2. to express yourself so he understands you,

    3. to problem-solve, and

    4. to relay needed information.

  2. If you don’t mean it, don’t ———it.


  1. Give two reasons why small talk is important.

    1. Big things begin with small talk,

    2. It’s not what you know, but who you know.

  2. To get a conversation going, give your listener a little extra


Information about yourself.

  1. What is the main key to small talk?

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