How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

238 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases

Here are four:

  1. Men speak more in public settings while women
    speak more in social settings.

  2. Men are more literal while women use more general-

  3. Men speak on a more factual and objective level while
    women speak on a more personal and subjective level.

  4. Men build bonds by challenging each other, women
    build them by finding similarities.

  5. What do you pretend you are asking for in order to sound
    calm when speaking in PowerPhrases?
    Pretend you are asking someone to pass the butter.

  6. In what kinds of situations is silence golden?

  7. It doesn’t matter that much.

  8. You are too triggered to speak rationally

  9. Your words are unlikely to bring a good result.

  10. What is the e-mail address to send your PowerPhrases ques-
    tions and PowerPhrase success stories?

[email protected]
[email protected]
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