How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

A Final Personal Note


It has been many years, many negotiations, many confronta-
tions, and many communications since my first wake-up call
regarding my need for PowerPhrases. Many personal tests have
been passed and some failed—but I assure you, my Personal
PowerPhrase GPA has been consistently on the rise.
Communication skills do not solve all problems, but, oh,
what a difference they make! Changing habits and testing new
waters requires perseverance and courage. They are worth every
bit of effort they require.
So stand up, power up, and SpeakTall. The next time you
get wind of a backstabber, address it. When your boss volun-
teers your department for another project, speak up about the
challenges it presents and what you need to meet the challenges.
When someone puts you down, tell him how you want to be

Copyright © 2004 by Meryl Runion. Click here for terms of use.
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