How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Hidden agenda in questions,
Hints, avoiding, 121
Hit and run tactics, 73–74
Hostile remarks, 164–166
responding to, 10–11

“I,” 33–34
Ideas, belief in own, 19–20
“If-only’s,” 25
Illustrations, backing up assertions
with, 93
Indecisive Respect-Robbing Poi-
son Phrases, 21–24
Ineffective speech, price of, 5
asking questions to get, 141
giving little extra, 82–83
need for specific, 49–50
Integrity of words, 66–69
Interpretation, avoiding, 49–50
Intimidation, tactics of, 147
Invisible barriers, 87–88
Issues, PowerPhrases in address-
ing, 185–192
brevity in, 188
clarity in, 191
follow-through in, 191
goals in, 190
listening in, 191
specificity in, 188–190
tone in, 191–192
word choice in, 191–192

Job requirements, being specific
in, 52–54
Judgment, 130
avoiding, in handling disagree-
ment, 183–184
eliminating, from your words,
in expressing anger, 173–174

Labeling, 27–28
Larsen, Linda, 59
Limiting nature of Poison Phrases,
asking questions to get in-
volved, 141
being considerate of, 97
considering, in making re-
quests, 113–115
creating goals for, 74
active, 124–131
in addressing issues, 191
brevity and, 125–126
in defusing anger, 158
gender and, 193–203
goals in, 124–131
sincerity in, 129
specificity and, 126
tone and, 130–131
Literalness in male communica-
tion, 194
Loop, keeping people in, 5, 8–9
Manager, communication as new,
Manipulativeness, 146–147
Maybe, use of no and, 122
McGraw, Phil, 178
Meaning, identifying your, 61–65
Media, getting attention from,
Messages, weakening of, 17, 18–
Misinterpretation, avoiding, 162–
Mixed messages, 73
Muteness, 9
Need-to-know basis of communi-
cation, 195

244 Index

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