How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Negative, positive versus in achiev-
ing results, 114–115
Negative Respect-Robbing Poison
Phrases, 24–25
Negative Vicious Venom Poison
Phrases, 28–30
Negativity, 5, 9
Neutral story, 73
Nice, power in being, 70–74
brevity in saying, 117
clarity in saying, 120–122
goals in saying, 119–120
as Poison Phrase, 29
power of saying, 116–123
specificity in saying, 118–119
tone in saying, 122–123
“No comment,” use of, as phase,
The Number One Secrets of Success-
ful Managers(Pitt), 8

Open ended questions, 86–87,
disguising, as questions, 199–
expressing, 7–8
importance of making matter,

Participation, acknowledging,
Passive-aggressiveness, 151–152
Passive communicators, 207
number of words used by, 13–
14, 166–167
Passive Negative Respect-Robbing
Phrases, 28–29
Performance reviews, 9–10
PowerPhrases in, 219–220
Perfume, sensitivity to, 217–218

acknowledgment of, 156–157
hearing, 182–183
Persuasion, 90
Pitt, Hal, 8
Playfulness, 88
Points, scoring, 211
Poison Phrases, 17–34, 71
beginning with “you,” 72
eliminating, 33–34
Respect-Robbing, 17, 18–26,
63, 167, 207
Vicious Venom, 17, 27–34, 63,
154, 179, 208
communication by, 61
loss of credibility by, 69
Positive, versus negative in achiev-
ing results, 114–115
Pot-shots, responding to, 153–154
Power, balancing, 212
Powerless words, 25
Power letter, 70
“A PowerPhrase a Week” (e-mail
newsletter), 213
PowerPhrase questions
brevity of, 139–140
goals of, 141–145
specificity of, 140–141
PowerPhrase Quiz, 35–39
asking questions with, 138–147
in balancing workload, 221–
brevity of, 13–14, 43–48, 82–
84, 91–92, 100–101,
108–109, 117, 125–126,
139–140, 150–151, 158,
166–167, 176–177, 188,
clarity in, 15, 87–89, 95–96,
104–105, 120–122, 160–

Index 245

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